Wednesday, 12 December 2018


Assalamualaikum readers :) first of all , after years i have not written anything on this blog ( wey sumpah busy hahahhahaha i barely touched my computer to write or etc since form 2 sampai la ni ha) i might have my passion for writing novels tapi Allah, berkarat dah otak sistur hahaha. Since this is my first entry my a brand new blog (maybe I nak buat a blog to inspire other people though not many people do writing blog nowadays huhu). Okay so lets start! woop I excited .

I'm gonna start with MRSM TGB or MRSM JASIN or MJSC TUN GHAFFAR BABA. After PT3 lepak2 kat rumah buang masa, result PT3 pon keluar (2015). And with that result, I mohon lah mrsm since result okay kan. Susah hati jugak lah masa tu sebab bukan nk sexism cuma memang perempuan susah dapat peluang kan since I pon bukan dari sekolah yg top tu. Fyi, I studied kat sekolah biasa je before masuk mrsm. After result mrsm keluar, menggigil jugak lah tangan nak check kan! haahahah nervous gila wey.

Guess what? (ofc dah bleh guess kan hehe) I dapat masuk tgb but my friends yg mohon sama2 tak dapat.So bermulalah perpisahan antara kami sobs . Ehhh? Hahaha ( ni kenyatan kot sebab sekolah dah tak sama semua dah tak sama so faham2 je lah) Okay ni bukan cerita pasal tu lol so back to the topic, I masuk mrsm tgb sorang2. Masa daftar tu happy gila la sebab sekolah baru kot (not the buldings fyi sekolah tu dah berpuluh tahun kot tp no worries still lawa and memuaskan) Okay nak citer kat sini sejak detik2 awal sekolah lagi I dah suka the environment tgb and the buildings itself. The library yg tgbians panggil PSI( pusat sumber ilmu) lah yg buat I nak sgt masuk tgb tp lepas masuk HAHHAA i barely masuk utk study lol.

Nak cerita homesick tu tak sangat lah sebab senang je nk bonding dengan roommate since bilik dia utk girls 4 orang satu bilik so senang buat kawan. Klu boys pulak 2 orang satu partition tapi no worries sebab lelaki lagi senang berkawan. I homesick tak? Eh tipulah kalau tak sebab masa nk buat kawan tu it takes time tau actually since ramai yang from mrsm lain masuk ramai2 so kita yang budak sekolah harian ni akan tersisih sikit tapi tak lama lah. I homesick seminggu dua je......Dah rapat dgn classmate terus happy kat sana. (Shout out for 401 and 501 Fammmm) Not to forget my roommate for both 2018 and 2019 yg banyak create memories fuhhh best gila! Penghuni blok SAfiyyah pon seniors and juniors hahaha thank youu bihh.

Cikgu2 TGB pon SEMUA OKAY JE and best study kat tgb sebab u guys will realize so many new things and appreciate more especially all those kena marah dengan warden and all. Kena rollcall is a bad thing actually tapi lepas habis sekolah ni Ya Allah rindu gila semua tu. my batch (VIEAS 35) pernah kena rollcall teruk gila sampai 3 pagi kot masa awal2 masuk, after gila2 ladies night pon kena rollcall and sampai form5 asyik kena rollcall . (whats the point of being senior klu still kena rollcall en?) mehhh dulu rasa tak adil tapi sebenarnya cikgu sayang kitorg kot? HAHAHAH wey best gila bile recall semua ni dengan classmates semua.

To conclude, I tak menyesal sesaat pon masuk TGB and i want you guys to feel the same! Every boarding school gives you a different feelings and berbeza dgn sekolah harian. To those yang nak apply for mrsm or SBP, go ahead and feel the moment! Enjoy every moment and appreciate them as they give you a colourful life.
